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Emergency Medicine 201

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  1. Intro to Emergency Medicine
    6 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  2. Rapid Sequence Intubation
    8 Topics
    2 Quizzes
  3. Cardiac Arrest Pharmacotherapy
    8 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  4. Hyperglycemic Crisis: Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome
    11 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  5. Community-Acquired Pneumonia
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes

Participants 415

  • Allison Clemens
  • April
  • ababaabhay
  • achoi2392
  • adhoward1
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Lesson 2, Topic 4
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Induction Agents For Rapid Sequence Intubation

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Why Do We Use Induction Agents?

To ensure adequate sedation to a patient prior to paralysis and endotracheal intubation


Mechanism of action

Etomidate is GABA receptor agonist that blocks neuroexcitation and induces unconsciousness.

Etomidate is imidazole-derived which is sedative-hypnotic that is a commonly used induction agent for RSI.


  • The most common dose used is 0.3 mg/kg IV
    • An adjusted body weight is recommended in morbidly obese patients.


  • 15-45 seconds


  • 3-12 minutes

Adverse effects

  • Myoclonus can occur 25-63%
    • Can be mistaken for seizure activity
  • Pain on injection
    • Thought to be due to diluent propylene glycol
  • Adrenal Suppression
    • Inhibits corticoneogenesis and 11β-hydroxylation which may decrease cortisol and aldosterone levels, resulting in prolonged suppression.
  • Etomidate causes reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP).

Impact on Hemodynamics

Blood Pressure (BP)Heart Rate (HR)Cardiac Output (CO)Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
↔ No Impact↔ No Impact↔ No Impact↓ Decrease

Etomidate Impact on Hemodynamics


  • Etomidate has no analgesic effects.
Gold standard induction agent for RSI

Literature Review

Author, yearDesign/ sample sizeIntervention & ComparisonOutcome
Lyons, 2015Cohort study/ n=261Etomidate+ Succinylcholine (Group 1)


Fentanyl+ ketamine+ rocuronium (Group 2)
Significantly better laryngeal views with fentanyl/ketamine/rocuronium group

100% first attempt intubation with fentanyl/ketamine/rocuronium group

↑ post-intubation MAP+ HR with etomidate + succinylcholine
Bruder, 2015Cochrane ReviewEtomidate
There was no difference in mortality, hospital LOS, duration of ventilation, and duration of vasopressors

Etomidate associated with ↑ ACTH and ↓ in cortisol level
Tekwani K, 2010RCT/ n=122Etomidate 0.3 mg/kg
Midazolam 0.1 mg/kg
No significant differences in median hospital LOS (9.5 vs 7.3 days), ICU LOS (4.2 vs 3.1 days), In-hospital mortality ( 26% vs 43%), or ventilator days
Jabre P,
RCT/ n=469Etomidate 0.3 mg/kg
Ketamine 2 mg/kg
No difference in intubating condition, SOFA score, 28-day mortality, Ventilator free days, vasopressor support, or GCS

ACHT= Adrenocorticotropic hormone; GCS= Glasgow Coma; HR= Heart Rate; MAP= Mean Arterial Pressure; RCT= Randomized Controlled Trial; Scale; SOFA= Sequential Organ Failure Assessment


Mechanism of Action

Ketamine causes intense amnesia by inhibiting glutamine at the NMDA receptors in the thalamocortical and limbic central nervous system (CNS).
  • The heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output increase due to the sympathetic effects of ketamine through stimulating CNS outflow.
    • This leads to fewer reuptake catecholamines from outside the cell which causes a rise in these chemicals within neurons as well as between them.


1 to 2 mg/kg (common, 100-200 mg)


  • Onset: ~ IV 30 seconds IM 3-4 minutes


  • Duration: 5-10 minutes

Adverse Effects

  • Hypertension
  • Tachycardia
  • Nausea & Vomitting
  • Emergence phenomenon

Ketamine Impact on Hemodynamics

Blood Pressure (BP)Heart Rate (HR)Cardiac Output (CO)Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
↑ Increased↑ Increased↑ Increased↔/ ↓ No Change/Decrease

Literature Review

Author, yearDesign/ sample sizeIntervention & ComparisonOutcome
Lyons, 2015Cohort study/ n=261Etomidate+ Succinylcholine (Group 1)


Fentanyl+ ketamine+ rocuronium (Group 2)
Significantly better laryngeal views with fentanyl/ketamine/rocuronium group

100% first attempt intubation with fentanyl/ketamine/rocuronium group

↑ post-intubation MAP+ HR with etomidate + succinylcholine
Bruder, 2015Cochrane ReviewEtomidate
There was no difference in mortality, hospital LOS, duration of ventilation, and duration of vasopressors

Etomidate associated with ↑ ACTH and ↓ in cortisol level
Jabre P,
RCT/ n=469Etomidate 0.3 mg/kg
Ketamine 2 mg/kg
No difference in intubating condition, SOFA score, 28-day mortality, Ventilator free days, vasopressor support, or GCS

ACHT= Adrenocorticotropic hormone; GCS= Glasgow Coma; HR= Heart Rate; MAP= Mean Arterial Pressure; RCT= Randomized Controlled Trial; Scale; SOFA= Sequential Organ Failure Assessment;

Comments by ED Physician Attendings

“Ketamine has some bronchodilatory properties and can be useful if intubating for asthma angioedema, airway narrowing from anaphylaxis, infection or malignant processes are the typical examples.”“The dose should be greatly reduced in shock states- most notably hypovolemic shock as it is a direct myocardial depressant. There are some case reports of cardiac arrest when full induction doses of ketamine are pushed in these patients. In those patients, I will push 10mg at a time until dissociation occurs (usually around 0.2-0.3 mg/kg in my experience).”
Pros/Cons of Ketamine from ED Attendings


  • Ketamine has an analgesic effect unlike other induction agents
  • Ketamine has properties that treat seizures by decreasing excitation via inhibtion of NMDA receptor


Adverse effects

  • Hypotension
  • Bradycardia

Propofol Impact on Hemodynamics

Blood Pressure (BP)Heart Rate (HR)Cardiac Output (CO)Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
↓ Decreased↓ Decreased↓ Decreased↓ Decreased

Literature Review

Author, yearDesign/ sample sizeIntervention & ComparisonOutcome
Dietrich, 2018Retrospective review/ n=83Propofol
Non-propofol (etomidate or midazolam)
↑ post-intubation hypotension with propofol OR 3.64 (95% CI 1.16-13.24)

Similar rates of hypotension were seen among
patients who received ≤2 mg/kg and those receiving >2 mg/kg

No significant differences between groups in-hospital length of stay or mortality
Bruder, 2015Cochrane ReviewEtomidate
There was no difference in mortality, hospital LOS, duration of ventilation, and duration of vasopressors

Etomidate associated with ↑ ACTH and ↓ in cortisol level
ACHT= Adrenocorticotropic hormone; GCS= Glasgow Coma; HR= Heart Rate; MAP= Mean Arterial Pressure; RCT= Randomized Controlled Trial; Scale; SOFA= Sequential Organ Failure Assessment;

Comments by ED Physician Attendings


  • Propofol can reduce SBP by 20-25% for induction


Summary of Induction Agents for RSI

DrugDosingOnsetDurationAdverse Effect
Etomidate0.3 mg/kg IV15-45 seconds4-15 minutesInjection site pain, nausea, vomiting, myoclonus, adrenal suppression
Ketamine1-2 mg/kg IV

4-10 mg/kg IM
30 seconds5-10 minutesHypertension, tachycardia, emergence phenomenon
Propofol1-2 mg/kg IV5-45 seconds3-10 minutesHypotension, bradycardia
Midazolam0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV60-90 seconds15-30 minRespiratory depression, apnea, and hypotension

Hemodynamics of Common Induction Agents

DrugHemodynamic EffectComments
Etomidate↔ BP, ↔ CO, ↔ HR, ↓ cortisol, ↔ ICPProlonged inhibition of steroid synthesis in the critically ill; withdrawn from a number of countries
Ketamine↑BP, ↑ HR, ↑ CO, ↔ cortisol, ↑↓ ICP↔ or ↑ CPP and ↔ ICP with standard anesthetic management
Propofol↓ BP, ↓ HR,↓ CO, ↔ cortisol, ↓ ICPHemodynamic compromise marked in elderly, ASA 3 or more or hypovolemic patients with ‘standard’ induction dose
Midazolam↓ BP, ↓ HR,↓ CO, ↔ cortisol, ↓ ICPMild hypotension