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Podcasts & Medical Blogs
- Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Evaluation, Management, and Disposition-
- Massive GI bleed management-
- Upper Gastro Intestinal Bleeding at St.Emlyn’s.-
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Proton Pump Inhibitors in UGIB-
- GI Bleeding-
- Episode 101 GI Bleed Emergencies Part 1-
- REBEL Cast Ep85: The HALT-IT Trial – TXA in Acute GI Bleeds-
- REBEL Cast Ep 48: Octreotide and Somatostatin for Undifferentiated Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed-
- Critical Care Mailbag: Upper GI Bleed-
- Paper Chase 2: Upper GI Bleeds-
- Timing of Endoscopy for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding-
- Episode 16- “HALT” the use of TXA in GI bleeds? –