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Emergency Medicine Trauma 212

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  • Allison Clemens
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Crystalloids (e.g., Saline, Ringer’s Lactate)

  • Composition
  • How its distributed
  • Considerations

Types of Fluids: Crystalloids

Crystalloids, including normal saline and Ringer’s lactate, are the most commonly used fluids for resuscitation in shock. These solutions are favored due to their availability, low cost, and relatively safe profile.


  1. Normal Saline: Composed of sodium chloride in water, normal saline has a higher chloride content than plasma, which can lead to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with large volume infusion.
  2. Ringer’s Lactate: Contains sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and lactate (metabolized to bicarbonate in the liver), making it more physiologically balanced compared to normal saline.
  3. Plasma-Lyte: Plasma-Lyte contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, acetate, and gluconate. This composition closely resembles human plasma, making it a balanced electrolyte solution.


Crystalloids are distributed throughout the extracellular fluid compartment. After infusion, only about one-third remains in the intravascular space, with the remainder diffusing into the interstitial space. This necessitates larger volumes to achieve the same intravascular volume expansion as colloids.

Considerations for Crystalloids Fluid Resuscitation

  1. Patient-Specific Factors: Underlying comorbidities, the nature of shock (e.g., hemorrhagic, septic), and the presence of metabolic derangements influence the choice of fluid.
  2. Risk of Acid-Base Imbalance: High chloride content in normal saline can exacerbate acidosis, while Ringer’s lactate may be more beneficial in buffering metabolic acidosis.
  3. Volume Overload: Over-resuscitation with crystalloids can lead to edema, including pulmonary edema, particularly in patients with compromised cardiac or renal function.
  4. Monitoring: Continuous assessment of hemodynamics, urine output, and laboratory parameters (like lactate and electrolytes) is crucial to guide fluid therapy and avoid complications.
  5. ATLS recommend limiting Crystalloid administration in to 1-1.5 L in trauma resuscitation: This recommendation stems from the risk of dilution coagulopathy, where excessive crystalloid administration dilutes clotting factors and platelets, impairing hemostasis and potentially exacerbating bleeding. This risk is heightened in trauma patients with ongoing blood loss or preexisting coagulopathy. Thus, crystalloids should be cautiously used, primarily as a bridge to definitive hemostasis, with a swift transition to blood products or hemostatic agents as soon as they are indicated. This approach helps in avoiding the complications associated with over-reliance on crystalloids, such as dilution coagulopathy, tissue edema, and increased intracranial pressure, ensuring more effective and safer resuscitation practices.
  6. Risk of dilution coagulopathy in trauma patients: Dilution coagulopathy is a condition in which the concentration of clotting factors and platelets in the blood is reduced due to excessive fluid administration, resulting in impaired hemostasis and increased bleeding. Dilution coagulopathy can occur in trauma patients who receive large amounts of crystalloid fluids (> 2 L) as part of resuscitation, especially if they have ongoing blood loss or preexisting coagulopathy. To prevent or minimize dilution coagulopathy, it is recommended to limit crystalloid infusion to 1-1.5 L in trauma resuscitation and use blood products or hemostatic agents as indicated.
  7. Comparative Efficacy in Minimal and Moderate Hemorrhage: Studies show equivalent outcomes when comparing normal saline and lactated Ringer solution in scenarios of minimal and moderate hemorrhage​​.
  8. Hypertonic Saline use in Trauma: This solution has shown anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects in animal models of hemorrhagic shock, leading to decreased lung and intestinal injury following resuscitation. In trauma patients, especially those with traumatic brain injury (TBI), hypertonic saline acts as an effective osmotic agent to reduce cerebral edema. It is better retained in the intravascular space, potentially decreasing the risks of abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, human clinical trials have not consistently demonstrated a clear benefit of hypertonic saline over isotonic fluids in the prehospital or acute resuscitation phase after traumatic injury. While some studies indicated improvement in ARDS-free survival, others found no significant survival or morbidity benefits compared to normal saline, particularly in trauma patients without TBI or those not requiring blood transfusion within the first 24 hours​​.
  9. Pre-Hospital Use of Crystalloids:  The administration of IV fluids in such scenarios, despite the absence of blood products, can be lifesaving, especially in severe trauma cases with extended transport times to medical facilities.

Colloids (e.g., Albumin, Hydroxyethyl Starch)

Colloids are used in fluid resuscitation to manage shock, with types including albumin and hydroxyethyl starch (HES). These solutions consist of large molecules intended to remain within the intravascular space for extended periods, thereby increasing plasma osmotic pressure and reducing the need for additional fluid.

Composition and Distribution

  1. Albumin: Albumin, a natural protein, is distributed in both intravascular and extravascular fluids. In a healthy state, about 5% of intravascular albumin leaks per hour into the extravascular space, with a distribution half-time of approximately 15 hours. However, this rate can increase significantly in conditions like septic shock, impacting its distribution and effectiveness.
  2. Hydroxyethyl Starch (HES): HES, a semisynthetic colloid, has been shown to increase the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) and has no major advantage over crystalloid solutions in shock management. Therefore, its use in shock patients is now generally discouraged.

Clinical Considerations

  1. Albumin in Shock: The role of albumin in fluid therapy is complex and still debated. While it has theoretical benefits due to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, clinical data have shown mixed results. Albumin can improve mean arterial pressure (MAP), but its effect on mortality is similar to that of crystalloid infusion. It’s recommended to avoid albumin in patients with traumatic brain injury and use it cautiously in those with chronic liver disease or hepatorenal syndrome.
  2. Colloid versus Crystalloid: The choice between colloids and crystalloids in fluid resuscitation is influenced by the patient’s condition and the type of shock. Colloids can increase the risk of global increased permeability syndrome in patients with sepsis due to alterations in glycocalyx and increased endothelial permeability. This can lead to the extravasation of colloids’ large molecules, diminishing their primary advantage.
  3. Fluid Resuscitation Strategy: In managing fluid resuscitation, the rate of fluid administration is crucial. A slower infusion rate may limit vascular leakage and avoid abrupt increases in hydrostatic pressure.
  4. Outcomes with Different Fluid Types: Recent studies, including large randomized controlled trials (RCTs), have assessed the effectiveness of different fluid types in critically ill patients. These studies have generally found no significant difference in mortality or renal outcomes when comparing balanced crystalloids with saline 0.9% or other fluid types.
  5. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): HES has been associated with an increased risk of AKI. This is particularly significant in critically ill patients, where renal function is already compromised or at risk.
  6. Risk of Increased Mortality: Some studies have indicated that the use of HES may be associated with increased mortality, especially in certain patient populations like those with sepsis or in intensive care settings.
  7. No Data to Support Use:  Human albumin and other colloids have been extensively used for resuscitation in critically ill patients, including those with traumatic injuries. However, research, including randomized controlled trials, indicates that there is no significant evidence suggesting that resuscitation with colloids, including albumin, hydroxyethyl starch, modified gelatin, and dextran, reduces the risk of death compared to resuscitation with crystalloids in trauma, burns, or post-surgery patients. Additionally, considering the higher cost of colloids compared to crystalloids, their routine use in these scenarios is hard to justify outside the context of clinical trials​​​​.
FluidNa+ (mEq/L)Cl- (mEq/L)K+ (mEq/L)Intravascular Volume Expansion
0.9% Sodium Chloride1541540~250-300 mL
Lactated Ringers1301094~250-300 mL
Plasma-Lyte140985~250-300 mL
5% Albumin130-160130-1600-4~500-600 mL
25% Albumin130-160130-1600-4~800-1000 mL
Dextrose 5%000~100-200 mL
  • Barlow A, Barlow B, Tang N, Shah BM, King AE. Intravenous Fluid Management in Critically Ill Adults: A Review. Crit Care Nurse. 2020 Dec 1;40(6):e17-e27.
  • 25% Albumin, being a concentrated colloid solution, provides significantly higher intravascular volume expansion compared to other fluids listed, especially when 1 liter is administered.
  • The values for intravascular volume expansion are approximate and can vary based on patient-specific factors and clinical context.

It’s important to note that 25% Albumin is often used in smaller volumes due to its concentration, and its effects can be more potent than less concentrated solutions. Always consider patient-specific needs and clinical indications when choosing and administering these fluids.

Blood Products in Trauma Resuscitation

In the acute management of trauma, the utilization of blood products is a cornerstone intervention aimed at stabilizing the patient and preventing mortality. Traumatic injuries often lead to significant blood loss, impairing oxygen delivery, hemostasis, and tissue perfusion. The primary goals of using blood products in trauma resuscitation include restoring adequate oxygen-carrying capacity, achieving hemostasis, and enhancing tissue perfusion to prevent the complications of hypoperfusion and ischemia. This approach is guided by a thorough understanding of the specific indications, benefits, and potential risks associated with each blood product.

Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

Indications and Benefits: RBC transfusions are indicated in trauma patients experiencing significant anemia or blood loss that compromises oxygen delivery to tissues. The primary objective is to correct anemia, thereby improving oxygenation and minimizing ischemia-reperfusion injuries. RBC transfusions are considered when hemoglobin levels fall below a certain threshold, which may vary based on the patient’s condition, but generally, a target hemoglobin level of 7-8 g/dL is recommended in stable trauma patients without ongoing bleeding.

Risks: Risks include transfusion reactions, alloimmunization, and volume overload.

Transfusion Ratios and Storage: Recent guidelines advocate for a balanced transfusion ratio (1:1:1) of RBCs to FFP to platelets in massive transfusion protocols to mimic whole blood and improve survival rates. RBCs can be stored for up to 42 days, though concerns about the reduced efficacy and increased risk of complications with older blood have been raised.


Indications and Benefits: Platelet transfusions are essential for managing bleeding due to thrombocytopenia or platelet dysfunction. They are particularly critical in trauma patients with active bleeding, those undergoing massive transfusions, or in prophylactic settings to prevent bleeding in patients with platelet counts below specific thresholds, typically <50,000/μL in the setting of active bleeding.

Risks: Risks include transfusion-related sepsis and alloimmunization.

Transfusion Ratios and Storage: Platelets are stored at room temperature and have a shelf life of up to 7 days.

Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)

Indications and Benefits: FFP is used to treat deficiencies in clotting factors, such as those encountered in disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or as part of a massive transfusion protocol. It is crucial for correcting coagulopathies, replenishing clotting factors, and potentially reducing mortality in trauma patients.

Risks: Risks include transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and allergic reactions.

Transfusion Ratios and Storage: The transfusion of FFP is recommended to maintain a PT/INR and aPTT at less than 1.5 times the normal value. FFP must be used soon after thawing for maximum efficacy.


Indications and Benefits: Cryoprecipitate is indicated for correcting hypofibrinogenemia in settings such as massive hemorrhage, liver disease, and cardiac surgery. It provides concentrated clotting factors to stabilize clots and improve survival.

Risks: Risks include transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO) and allergic reactions.

Transfusion Ratios and Storage: The transfusion of cryoprecipitate is based on the target fibrinogen levels (>200 mg/dL in bleeding patients), and like FFP, it is used soon after thawing.

Other Blood Products

Other blood products like albumin, factor concentrates (including prothrombin complex concentrates), fibrinogen concentrate, tranexamic acid, and recombinant activated factor VII, may be used selectively based on specific clinical scenarios and underlying coagulopathies. These products offer targeted interventions to manage specific deficiencies or enhance hemostatic processes, with their indications, benefits, and risks tailored to the individual patient’s needs.

Damage Control Resuscitation

Damage control resuscitation (DCR) is an approach developed to minimize complications of massive transfusion in severely injured trauma patients. It aims to rapidly restore circulating volume without exacerbating hemorrhage or coagulopathy. A key principle of DCR is avoiding overzealous crystalloid infusion, which can worsen bleeding, dilute clotting factors, and cause abdominal compartment syndrome.

Balanced transfusions using set ratios of blood products is another core DCR strategy. Transfusing RBCs, plasma, and platelets in ratios approximating 1:1:1 can correct anemia and coagulopathy while mitigating trauma-induced coagulopathy. DCR also utilizes cryoprecipitate, tranexamic acid, and calcium to optimize coagulation.

Permissive hypotension is an additional DCR technique that targets a lower than normal blood pressure. This prevents disruption of newly formed clots and reduces bleeding in trauma. Typical MAP goals are 50-70 mmHg or a systolic pressure of 80-100 mmHg. However, thresholds may vary based on patient factors.

Multiple studies demonstrate DCR improves coagulation parameters, reduces transfusion volumes, decreases mortality by up to 50%, and increases 24 hour and 30 day survival in severely injured patients requiring massive transfusion. However, challenges to DCR include resource limitations, clinician training, and variability in trauma populations and protocols. Overall, DCR represents a modern, evidence-based approach to managing trauma resuscitation and limiting preventable death from hemorrhage.

Clinical Scenario: Multi-trauma Patient with Significant Hemorrhage


A 35-year-old male is brought to the emergency department following a high-speed motor vehicle collision. On initial assessment, he is found to be alert but pale, with a heart rate of 120 beats per minute, blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg, and respiratory rate of 22 breaths per minute. The primary survey reveals an open fracture of the left femur and significant abdominal tenderness. The FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) exam indicates free fluid in the abdomen, suggestive of internal bleeding.

Initial Management

The patient is immediately given supplemental oxygen and two large-bore IV lines are established. A decision is made to initiate transfusion with O-negative PRBCs (Packed Red Blood Cells) to address the suspected significant blood loss and to stabilize hemodynamics. The initial hemoglobin is found to be 7 g/dL, confirming substantial hemorrhage.

Rationale for Blood Product Use

In managing trauma patients, particularly those presenting with multi-system injuries and significant hemorrhage, the integrated approach involving prompt recognition, appropriate resuscitation with blood products, and definitive surgical intervention is paramount. This scenario exemplifies the complexities and rapid decision-making required in trauma care, emphasizing the life-saving role of blood product transfusion.

The judicious use of PRBCs and platelets, guided by ongoing assessment and laboratory parameters, illustrates the dynamic balance between correcting coagulopathy and avoiding transfusion-associated complications. It also showcases the importance of adherence to trauma resuscitation protocols and guidelines, which are designed to improve patient outcomes by providing evidence-based recommendations for the management of hemorrhagic shock.

Furthermore, this scenario serves as a reminder of the challenges faced in trauma care, highlighting the need for continuous education, skills development, and collaboration among the trauma team members. It also underscores the importance of a well-coordinated blood bank capable of supporting the complex needs of trauma patients.

In conclusion, the effective management of trauma patients requires a comprehensive understanding of the indications, benefits, and risks associated with the use of blood products. Through detailed clinical scenarios like this, physicians and trauma care providers can better appreciate the nuances of transfusion medicine in the context of trauma resuscitation, ultimately leading to improved patient care and outcomes.

Antifibrinolytic Agents in Trauma Resuscitation

Antifibrinolytic agents play a critical role in the management of bleeding in trauma patients. By inhibiting the breakdown of fibrin, these agents help stabilize clot formation, an essential process in hemostasis. The most commonly used antifibrinolytic agents in trauma include Tranexamic Acid (TXA) and ε-Aminocaproic Acid (EACA), each with a unique mechanism of action that prevents the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, thereby reducing clot dissolution.

Pharmacology of Antifibrinolytic Agents

The primary mechanism through which antifibrinolytics exert their effect is by blocking the lysine binding sites on plasminogen molecules, inhibiting their interaction with fibrin and preventing clot degradation. Pharmacokinetically, TXA is rapidly absorbed when administered intravenously, with a distribution phase that lasts approximately 3 hours and a terminal elimination half-life of about 2 hours. It is primarily excreted in urine, with approximately 90% of an administered dose eliminated unchanged. EACA follows a similar metabolic pathway but with a longer half-life, necessitating adjustments in dosing for renal impairment. A comparative analysis reveals that TXA is preferred in acute trauma settings due to its potency and rapid action.

Clinical Indications for Use in Trauma

Antifibrinolytic agents are indicated for use in situations of significant hemorrhage, including trauma-induced bleeding and surgical bleeding, with the aim of reducing blood loss and the need for transfusions. Evidence-based guidelines, such as those emerging from the CRASH-2 and CRASH-3 trials, support the use of TXA within 3 hours of injury to reduce mortality in trauma patients and those with traumatic brain injury (TBI), respectively. Contraindications include known hypersensitivity to the drugs and situations where the risk of thrombosis outweighs the benefits of reducing hemorrhage.

Administration and Dosing

TXA and EACA can be administered intravenously or orally, with the intravenous route preferred in emergency trauma settings for immediate action. The dosing protocol for TXA in trauma resuscitation typically involves a loading dose of 1 gram over 10 minutes, followed by an infusion of 1 gram over 8 hours. Dosage adjustments are necessary for patients with renal impairment to prevent accumulation and toxicity.

Evidence Base for Antifibrinolytic Use in Trauma

The CRASH-2 trial, a landmark study, demonstrated a significant reduction in all-cause mortality and bleeding-related deaths with early TXA administration in bleeding trauma patients. The subsequent CRASH-3 trial extended these findings to patients with TBI, underscoring the benefits of TXA in improving outcomes. These trials, among others, form the basis of current recommendations for TXA use in trauma settings.

Safety and Adverse Effects

While generally safe, antifibrinolytic agents can cause adverse effects, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and, more rarely, seizures with high doses of TXA. The risk of thromboembolic events, though low, exists and necessitates careful patient selection and monitoring. The management of adverse effects involves supportive care and discontinuation of the drug if severe reactions occur.

Practical Considerations and Challenges

The timing of administration is crucial, with the greatest efficacy seen when TXA is given within 3 hours of injury. Integrating antifibrinolytic therapy into trauma resuscitation protocols requires coordination among emergency, surgical, and pharmacy teams to ensure timely and appropriate use. While cost-effective, accessibility issues may arise in resource-limited settings, highlighting the need for global initiatives to improve availability.

Patients Benefitting from TXA in Trauma Resuscitation:

Tranexamic Acid (TXA) has been extensively studied in various trauma settings, demonstrating benefits in specific patient populations. The most compelling evidence comes from the CRASH-2 and CRASH-3 trials, which have helped define the groups of patients who benefit the most from TXA administration.

  1. Patients with Significant Hemorrhage: The CRASH-2 trial showed that TXA significantly reduces mortality in trauma patients with or at risk of significant hemorrhage when administered within 3 hours of injury. This benefit was observed across a wide range of injuries, including those sustained in road traffic accidents, falls, and crush injuries, indicating that TXA’s benefit is not confined to a specific type of trauma but rather to the presence of significant bleeding.
  2. Mild to Moderate TBI: TXA is most beneficial when administered within 3 hours of injury to patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score above 8 and without evidence of major extracranial bleeding. This early intervention can help mitigate the secondary brain injury process, potentially improving outcomes in this vulnerable patient group.

Summary and Key Takeaways

Antifibrinolytic agents, particularly TXA, have become integral to the management of trauma-induced bleeding. Their use is supported by robust evidence demonstrating a reduction in mortality and bleeding-related outcomes. Clinicians must remain informed of the latest evidence and integrate these agents into practice judiciously, balancing the benefits of reduced bleeding against the potential risks.

Calcium Salts in Trauma Resuscitation

Calcium plays a pivotal role in numerous cellular functions and is essential for hemostasis. Its physiological importance extends to muscle contraction, nerve signal transmission, and blood clotting. In the clinical setting, calcium salts are administered to address specific conditions, including hypocalcemia, which can significantly impact trauma resuscitation outcomes.

Indications for Calcium Administration in Trauma

In trauma patients, hypocalcemia is frequently encountered, often exacerbated by massive transfusions that dilute circulating calcium levels or bind calcium in the blood. Calcium’s role as a coagulation cofactor underscores its importance in managing bleeding and supporting coagulation processes, making it a critical component in trauma care.

Types of Calcium Salts Used in Resuscitation

Calcium chloride and calcium gluconate are the primary salts used. Calcium chloride provides a higher elemental calcium concentration but may cause more irritation and risk of necrosis if extravasation occurs. Calcium gluconate is preferred for peripheral administration due to a lower risk of tissue irritation. The choice between them often depends on the clinical scenario and the route of administration available.

Mechanism of Action in Trauma Resuscitation

Calcium salts enhance myocardial contractility and stabilize blood pressure, vital for maintaining hemodynamic stability in trauma patients. Additionally, calcium plays a role in the coagulation cascade, promoting efficient clot formation and reducing the risk of significant bleeding.

Administration Guidelines and Dosing

Calcium is typically administered intravenously (IV) or intraosseously (IO) in acute trauma settings. Dosing range found in studies from 1-3 grams of calcium chloride to 3-9 grams of calcium gluconate, but dosing should be confirmed at the institutional level. Dosing should be titrated against clinical response and serum calcium levels, which are ideally maintained >0.9 mmol/L. Bolus doses may be given with blood transfusions. Further dosing varies based on the calcium levels and clinical response, with continuous monitoring required to adjust dosing and avoid complications like hypercalcemia.

Overview of Literature on Calcium Salts in Trauma Resuscitation

A retrospective study by Bunker et al. in 1989 analyzed seriously injured trauma patients who received massive transfusions. Patients who were administered calcium chloride had significant increases in ionized calcium levels and blood pressure compared to patients who only received blood products. The authors concluded that aggressive calcium replacement during massive transfusion can help counteract the hypocalcemia and cardiovascular effects of citrated blood. (Bunker et al. Crit Care Med. 1989;17(11):1055-60).

A randomized controlled trial by Martin et al. in 2005 evaluated the impact of administering calcium chloride continuously during massive transfusion versus standard intermittent boluses. The continuous infusion group had significantly fewer patients with ionized hypocalcemia and required less total calcium. The authors recommended a continuous low-dose calcium regimen to prevent hypocalcemia during massive transfusion. (Martin et al. J Trauma. 2005;59(3):639-45).

Ho et al. retrospectively analyzed 352 bleeding trauma patients who underwent massive transfusion. Ionized hypocalcemia was strongly associated with increased mortality, with an odds ratio of 1.25 for each 0.1 mmol/L decrease in calcium. The results emphasized the need for vigilant monitoring and replacement of calcium during resuscitation. (Ho et al. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2011;39(1):46-54).

Overall, the current literature supports the use of calcium to maintain serum calcium levels in trauma patients receiving transfusions. However, optimal dosing, timing, and infusion methods need further clarification through additional randomized controlled trials.

Practical Considerations in Trauma Settings

Incorporating calcium into massive transfusion protocols requires understanding its interactions with blood products and other resuscitation agents. The timing of calcium administration, particularly in relation to transfused blood products that may bind calcium, is crucial for optimizing patient outcomes.

Calcium Salts in Trauma Summary and Key Takeaways

Calcium salts like calcium chloride effectively stabilize calcium levels, contractility, and coagulation when used judiciously in trauma resuscitation. However, judicious dosing and monitoring are vital to avoid potential adverse effects. Further research can help refine best practices for calcium administration in trauma patients requiring transfusions.