Primary Literature
Pharmacists & Sedation Time Based on Paralytics
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Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale- Clinical Trial
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Ramsay Sedation Scale – Clinical Trial
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Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool
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Review articles
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- Chanques G, Constantin JM, Devlin JW, Ely EW, Fraser GL, Gélinas C, Girard TD, Guérin C, Jabaudon M, Jaber S, Mehta S, Langer T, Murray MJ, Pandharipande P, Patel B, Payen JF, Puntillo K, Rochwerg B, Shehabi Y, Strøm T, Olsen HT, Kress JP. Analgesia and sedation in patients with ARDS. Intensive Care Med. 2020 Dec;46(12):2342-2356. doi: 10.1007/s00134-020-06307-9. Epub 2020 Nov 10. PMID: 33170331; PMCID: PMC7653978.
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