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Post-Intubation Sedation and Analgesia

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  • achoi2392
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Rabbit Hole: Post-Intubation Sedation and Analgesia


Primary Literature

Pharmacists & Sedation Time Based on Paralytics

Robey-Gavin E, Abubakar L. Impact of Clinical Pharmacists on Initiation of Postintubation Analgesia in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2016 Feb;50(2):308-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2015.07.029. PMID: 26433427.

Amini A, Faucett EA, Watt JM, Amini R, Sakles JC, Rhee P, Erstad BL, Patanwala AE. Effect of a pharmacist on timing of postintubation sedative and analgesic use in trauma resuscitations. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2013 Sep 1;70(17):1513-7. doi: 10.2146/ajhp120673. PMID: 23943183.

Johnson EG, Meier A, Shirakbari A, Weant K, Baker Justice S. Impact of Rocuronium and Succinylcholine on Sedation Initiation After Rapid Sequence Intubation. J Emerg Med. 2015 Jul;49(1):43-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2014.12.028. Epub 2015 Mar 19. PMID: 25797938.

Maison O, Tardy C, Offrey JM, Boselli E, Piriou V, Parat S, Allaouchiche B. Compliance with sedation analgesia protocols: Do clinical pharmacists have an impact? J Clin Pharm Ther. 2020 Feb;45(1):59-64. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13023. Epub 2019 Oct 29. PMID: 31660644.

Hahn L, Beall J, Turner RS, Woolley TW, Hahn M. Pharmacist-developed sedation protocol and impact on ventilator days. J Pharm Pract. 2013 Aug;26(4):406-8. doi: 10.1177/0897190012467209. Epub 2012 Dec 2. PMID: 23204145.

Forni A, Skehan N, Hartman CA, Yogaratnam D, Njoroge M, Schifferdecker C, Lilly CM. Evaluation of the impact of a tele-ICU pharmacist on the management of sedation in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. Ann Pharmacother. 2010 Mar;44(3):432-8. doi: 10.1345/aph.1M576. Epub 2010 Feb 17. PMID: 20164471.

Marshall J, Finn CA, Theodore AC. Impact of a clinical pharmacist-enforced intensive care unit sedation protocol on duration of mechanical ventilation and hospital stay. Crit Care Med. 2008 Feb;36(2):427-33. doi: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000300275.63811.B3. PMID: 18091554.

Stollings JL, Foss JJ, Ely EW, Ambrose AM, Rice TW, Girard TD, Wheeler AP. Pharmacist leadership in ICU quality improvement: coordinating spontaneous awakening and breathing trials. Ann Pharmacother. 2015 Aug;49(8):883-91.

Korinek JD, Thomas RM, Goddard LA, St John AE, Sakles JC, Patanwala AE. Comparison of rocuronium and succinylcholine on postintubation sedative and analgesic dosing in the emergency department. Eur J Emerg Med. 2014 Jun;21(3):206-11. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0b013e3283606b89. PMID: 23510899.

Watt JM, Amini A, Traylor BR, Amini R, Sakles JC, Patanwala AE. Effect of paralytic type on time to post-intubation sedative use in the emergency department. Emerg Med J. 2013 Nov;30(11):893-5. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2012-201812. Epub 2012 Nov 8. PMID: 23139098.

Kendrick DB, Monroe KW, Bernard DW, Tofil NM. Sedation after intubation using etomidate and a long-acting neuromuscular blocker. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2009 Jun;25(6):393-6. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0b013e3181a7923b. PMID: 19458564.

Pappal RD, Roberts BW, Mohr NM, Ablordeppey E, Wessman BT, Drewry AM, Winkler W, Yan Y, Kollef MH, Avidan MS, Fuller BM. The ED-AWARENESS Study: A Prospective, Observational Cohort Study of Awareness With Paralysis in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Admitted From the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med. 2021 May;77(5):532-544. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2020.10.012. Epub 2021 Jan 21. PMID: 33485698; PMCID: PMC8166299.

Chong ID, Sandefur BJ, Rimmelin DE, Arbelaez C, Brown CA 3rd, Walls RM, Pallin DJ. Long-acting neuromuscular paralysis without concurrent sedation in emergency care. Am J Emerg Med. 2014 May;32(5):452-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2014.01.002. Epub 2014 Jan 15. PMID: 24650718.






Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale- Clinical Trial

Ramsay Sedation Scale – Clinical Trial

Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool 


Review articles

  • Noel C, Mallemat H. Sedation and Analgesia for Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the Emergency Department. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2019 Aug;37(3):545-556. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2019.04.004. Epub 2019 May 16. PMID: 31262420.

