Lesson 3 of 13
In Progress


Mechanisms of injury are categorized as follows:

1. Low-energy trauma (~100 foot-pounds of energy)

  • Torsional injuries
  • Fall from standing

II. Moderate-energy trauma (~300 – 500 foot-pounds of energy)

  • Skiing injury
  • Bicycling injury

III. High-energy trauma (greater than 2000 foot-pounds of energy)

  • Motor vehicle accident
  • Fall from height
  • Firearm

Incidence rate for the fracture types under the Gustilo-Anderson Classification System are as follows:

•Most common cause of open fractures includes crash injuries, falls, and road traffic accidents.

•Type III open fractures are 7 times more likely to develop an infection

•Type IIIC fractures are 25-90% likely to need amputation.