Optimal duration for antibiotic therapy is unclear. However, recommendations are made based on OM severity and age. Such that, treatment for antibiotics is advised for:
- 10 days in children < 2 years old or with severe symptoms
- 7 days in children aged 2-5 years with mild or moderate OM
- 5-7 days in children ≥ 6 years old with mild or moderate OM

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommendations for therapeutic management with antibiotics for Pediatric OM aged 1 month to 17 years old are as follows:
- In children and young people less likely to benefit from antibiotic therapy such as children without otorrhea, children < 2 years old with unilateral infection, and otherwise healthy appearing children:
- Relieve pain with paracetamol or ibuprofen
- Consider either:
- No antibiotics: observe and seek help if symptoms progressively worsen or do not improve after 3 days, or if patient becomes systemically ill
- Back up antibiotics: use only if symptoms worsen or child shows no improvement within 3 days; seek help if symptoms progressively worsen or if patient becomes systemically ill
- In children and young people who may benefit from antibiotics such as children of any age with otorrhea and children < 2 years old with bilateral infection
- Relieve pain with paracetamol or ibuprofen
- Consider either:
- No antibiotics: observe and seek help if symptoms progressively worsen or do not improve after 3 days, or if patient becomes systemically ill
- Back up antibiotics: use only if symptoms worsen or child shows no improvement within 3 days; seek help if symptoms progressively worsen or if patient becomes systemically ill
- Immediate antibiotics: seek help if symptoms progressively worsen or if patient becomes systemically ill
- In children with symptoms and signs manifesting a more serious illness or condition, at high-risk of complications, or who are systemically ill
- Consider either:
- Immediate antibiotics: seek help if symptoms progressively worsen or if patient becomes systemically ill, and further assessment
- Referral to hospital if OM is associated with: severe systemic infection or acute complications such as mastoiditis, meningitis, sinus thrombosis, intracranial abscess, or facial nerve paralysis