
Community Forum

Collaborate and share ideas with other experts in acute care pharmacotherapy in our community forum

What is the PACU Community Forum

It is a forum in which healthcare professionals can have deep and impactful conversations with other healthcare professionals around safe practices, share resources, and collaborate on important issues within acute care.

Jimmy has provided healthcare professional with a one-stop shop to learn all things Pharmacy with a focus on Emergency Medicine and critically-ill patients.
RIchard Tseh, MBBS
Emergency Medicine Attending Physcian

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Why is the Community Forum made for you?

With PACU Forum, our goal is to help you find community resources to keep you up-to-date and on top of the latest care practices. With this resource, you can interact with your peers in a professional space and learn more about what other professionals like yourself are asking—along with the answers they’ve found.

Be a part of something bigger than yourself. - Join an online community that cares about you

Get your questions answered by experts in the field.

Gain access to exclusive content and events.

Quickly find the answer you need without spending hours trying to figure it out on your own.

Never feel like you're stuck with no way out.

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An e-learning platform that empowers healthcare providers with knowledge and skills so they can provide evidence-based, safe care for these types of patients.

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